Meet Ardale’s COO

Hello, I am Lesa McAnulty widely known as Lesa Mac.

Lesa the professional

I am Ardale’s Chief Operating Officer. This job title could mean anything really so, what do I do?

Well, firstly, this means I am/will be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) as the nominated Individual; meaning I am legally accountable for the compliance of regulatory standards at Oakham Grange. I also have management responsibility for all of Ardale’s operations. I report directly to Michael McInerney who is the owner. I have many years’ experience in the care sector and have worked together with Michael for a couple of decades.

I am also the Chief Operating Officer and the CQC nominated Individual for The Marbrook Centre in Bedfordshire which provides specialist dementia and neurological rehabilitation services.

I trained and qualified as a nurse in the mid 80’s at Newham School of Nursing in East London based at St Andrews Hospital in Bow and yes,….I could hear the sound of Bow Bells from my nurse’s home bedroom! After qualifying I worked across a number of clinical specialties during which time I developed a keen interest in mental health and learning disabilities, although my training was in general nursing.

I followed on from hospital work with 7 years working with people who had learning disabilities within the East End community, with a significant personal involvement in the government’s then initiative to close long stay institutions and thus developing their first Community homes. I feel privileged to have been involved in this significant milestone which changed the future lives of so many vulnerable people.

Lesa the person

I think my humble North London beginnings gave me a huge advantage in life. I grew up with underprivileged people from all different places and cultures which instilled in me strong values with regard to tolerance, understanding and compassion.

I am also a ‘quiet’ vegan for compassionate reasons but not a vegan warrior. The latter due to not having the time, but once retired I may well chain myself to immovable structures in the name of animal rights, just not right now!

Among my many interests outside of work an important part of my life is the mighty Tottenham Hotspur.

Having grown up just a short stroll from the ground and with a very long line of ancestral Spurs fans, it was just a normal part of life to go to Spurs every other weekend. My husband has also been a lifelong Spurs supporter (a necessary criteria for marriage) and obviously my son now is carrying on this important family tradition. We are season ticket holders of many years.

So, in true ‘CV style’ I will summarise by saying; I am a hardworking, outgoing, caring person with two rescue dogs (I would have a lot more but hubby say no), I have a taste for decent red wine and a glass of ale of any sort.

Oakham is a new place for me and I am really looking forward to meeting local people and learning more about the uniqueness of Oakham and Rutland. Oakham Grange is certainly going to be a special place and I am very excited about Ardale’s ability to create a very different kind of care service.

Our Care Ethos

Ardale will provide nursing care and support underpinned by an ethos of; ‘Promoting independence while maintaining friendships and interests’

Our Mission Statement

Ardale will deliver care and support that is meaningful to each individual; with warmth and personality, by a well-trained care team, as only a family owned home can.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or an enquiry feel
free to get in touch with us.

T: 01572 33 22 11 

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Oakham Grange | Wheatfield Way, Barleythorpe, Oakham, LE15 7UD


Ardale (Oakham) Limited
Registered Office: 14 Parkway, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL8 6HG
Registered in England and Wales No. 12305691